Monday, January 2, 2012

It's 2012...

Well it's 2012...I have always been a believer however you bring in the new year is how you will spend the rest of the year. I spent my new year with my family which is AWESOME because I am always about family.

The downside to my new years was I brought it in with my hair straight. I honestly feel like I am cheating on my curls!!! I haven't had time to was my hair and go through my normal hair routine. I wonder am I the only one who feels like this.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mini Twist

So I have seriously been stalking this YouTube video. The first time I seen it I was immediately inspired. Not just because the hair style was beyond beautiful but because Naptural85 made me look at doing length checks differently. Before of course I was flat ironing my hair because it was the only way I THOUGHT that I could truly see how my hair journey was progressing. But boy I was wrong!!! Doing the twist showed me what my length was without all of the heat damage. Here is the link to the video if you want to check it out...

Check out this video on YouTube:

My twist are not as small as hers but not bad for the first time...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

One year

Yesterday was my birthday! I was on Facebook looking at old pictures and couldn't believe the difference in my hair! When I started my hair journey I did the big chop. I wasn't really ready for that (it was SO short) so I got micro braids for 3 months. After a lot of research (YouTube) I decided to see what my natural hair would do. I became a crazed product junkie. Trying any and everything out there. So far my staple products are Eco Styler gel and Cantu Shea Butter. Here are some pictures of my journey...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bad hair day

This is why you shouldn't try short cuts when it comes to your hair. I didnt have time to go through the full hair routine. So I did a co wash and the put in my normal products Eco Styler gel and Cantu Shea Butter and I am not liking the results. So it looks like I will be washing my hair in a couple of days and doing it all over again. Ughhh!!! My hair is so spoiled! Lol

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pantene Curly to Natural

I have found that I am in love with Pantene's new curly line. It has really got a bad rap but I love what it has been doing for my hair. The only product that I don't care for is the gel and that is only because it is really drying to my hair. Even when I use it to just slick back my hair or to do a twist out it takes all of the moisture out of my hair.

But other than that I love what Pantene is doing...they have a ways to go before they win over the african american community!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My fro is gone!

I have been staying at my parents house for the last week and half and they have a soft water filter. I on the other hand do not! I am finding that my hair does not like the soft water!!! I have washed my hair twice and used the same products that I have always used and it just falls flat and lifeless. I can't wait to go back home and use my dirty city water again...I miss my fro!!! I want my full curly fro back and I don't ever want it to leave again! I even tried using a diffuser and nothing!!! Needless to say I am counting down the days until I go back home!!! So until then a pulled back ponytail will have to do.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mixed Chicks (The Product) 2nd time around

A while back I did a product review on mixed chicks and I stated that I was not pleased with the results. Well I will be the first to admit when I am wrong!!! I have learned a couple of things since that post. The first thing was that I have been in denial about my is a lot thicker than that I was willing to admit. The second thing was you can not use sample size products on hair that is really thick!!! I knew this would be a learning experience but dang I wasn't ready to admit that I was wrong. But whatever...back to the product...

I finally found the product here in Kansas. I really don't like ordering online if I can help it. So I bought the 10 oz Leave in Conditioner, it is supposed to define curls regardless if you are black, white, asian or latin. I washed my hair like I normally do (Mixed Chicks does offer their own shampoo) but I have been using TRESemme' Naturals and after I washed my hair I sectioned my hair and ran the Mixed Chicks product through each section and finger combed it.

The results were way better that I could have ever imagined!!! It really defined my curls the only thing that I didn't like was when it dried it was a little crunchy but I don't know if that was due to me putting in too much product. It is still a learning experience!