Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mini Twist

So I have seriously been stalking this YouTube video. The first time I seen it I was immediately inspired. Not just because the hair style was beyond beautiful but because Naptural85 made me look at doing length checks differently. Before of course I was flat ironing my hair because it was the only way I THOUGHT that I could truly see how my hair journey was progressing. But boy I was wrong!!! Doing the twist showed me what my length was without all of the heat damage. Here is the link to the video if you want to check it out...

Check out this video on YouTube:


My twist are not as small as hers but not bad for the first time...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

One year

Yesterday was my birthday! I was on Facebook looking at old pictures and couldn't believe the difference in my hair! When I started my hair journey I did the big chop. I wasn't really ready for that (it was SO short) so I got micro braids for 3 months. After a lot of research (YouTube) I decided to see what my natural hair would do. I became a crazed product junkie. Trying any and everything out there. So far my staple products are Eco Styler gel and Cantu Shea Butter. Here are some pictures of my journey...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bad hair day

This is why you shouldn't try short cuts when it comes to your hair. I didnt have time to go through the full hair routine. So I did a co wash and the put in my normal products Eco Styler gel and Cantu Shea Butter and I am not liking the results. So it looks like I will be washing my hair in a couple of days and doing it all over again. Ughhh!!! My hair is so spoiled! Lol