Monday, March 15, 2010

Mixed Chicks (The Product)

Last night I tried using the Mixed Chicks product. It can be found at It is for anyone with curly hair. I don't know if I didn't use enough product or if my hair is just not long enough. But I was not pleased with the results. Some of my curls were defined and others was just a frizzy mess! Not good!!!

So the search for my staple product continues!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I am on a Natural Journey not just with my hair but with myself as well. Before I dive deep into that let me give you a little background...

I decided in November of 2009 to do the "Big Chop". Since I wasn't sure what to do or what products to use I wore micro braids for 3 months. That would give me enough time to figure out what products to use and what styles to try. I am not anti relaxers or trying to convert every girl or woman that I know to go natural I just know they are no longer for me. I want long healthy hair I just know I am not going to be able to do that with chemicals.

It is funny how the length of your hair can give you the artificial confidence one needs to make it day to day. When I cut my hair off I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. I thought it's just hair, it will grow back it's really no big deal. I couldn't have been more wrong. I felt like I had lost my identity. I could no longer hide behind my hair I would be seen for who I am just raw and naked for the world to see.

I am also a self prescribed product junkie. Since being natural I have used Miss Jessie's, Kinky Curly, Hair Rules, Deva Curl, and many others. I have yet to find my staple product. I am not like many of the other girls who have become natural I am just your average girl looking for the right product. I don't know how to mix products in my kitchen and I don't have a license to do hair. I just want my hair to look good and will continue to try products until I find THE ONE!

This journey would not have been possible without,, and I hope if you are interested in transitioning from relaxed hair to natural that you will check these sites out. I have also decided to chronicle my own journey through by becoming one of their video blogger. I hope you will watch my video's and take this journey with me.